Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Chapel Hill Murders

          On the evening of February 10th, 2015 around 5:15pm, 3 young and promising students were shot and killed at a condominium complex near the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill campus.  Initial reports indicated that the shooting was regarding an escalation of a neighborhood parking dispute, but further investigation proves that religion may have played a factor in the attack.  The three victims, one man and two women were of Arab decent, which sparked speculation that the killings could have possibly been a hate crime.

Police have named the victims as 23-year-old Deah Shaddy Barakat,
his wife, Yusor Abu-Salha, 21, and her sister, Razan Abu-Salha, 19.
          The suspected shooter is 46-year-old Craig Stephen Hicks, who on social media has described himself as a former auto parts dealer who studied to be a paralegal.  His posts and ‘likes’ on Facebook suggest that he is a fervent religious critic.  He has shown his support towards groups such as Atheists for Equality, and the Freedom from Religion Foundation.  He also recently posted a photo that states, “Praying is pointless, useless, narcissistic, arrogant, and lazy; just like the imaginary god you pray to.” His support of these groups as well as his picture caption provides evidence that his hatred of religion could have played a fairly significant role in the murders.

          Crimes like these seem to occur way too often in society, and in my opinion are purely disgusting.  If in fact these murders were motivated by Prick Hicks hatred of religion, than he should be dealt with accordingly.  The fact that he took it upon himself to murder three young individuals who were active in the community and had promising futures makes me sick to my stomach.  There is no further explanation than the fact the Criag Hicks is a coward.  My thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of the victims, who have had their lives uprooted due to the selfishness of a Rotten Tomato.


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